Monday, September 03, 2007

The changing season gets me again...

Weather Walking

I was talking to the neighbor about the usual mundane things when the world went quiet and still.
I was dazed for a moment, then sat down on the sidewalk in desperation. I missed the full color saturation of existence in a visceral way.
Embarrassed, I clawed my way to my feet and stumbled to my own porch,
Waiting for the bend of reality to pass.
In my adult life, few things have frightened me more then that moment of dullness.

In combat readiness, I have tried to fill my mind with bright, shiny things. Mirrors surrounding sparkling pools of blue water,
As if somehow these things will hold the darkness at bay.
I stand quietly, so that the stillness cannot sneak up on me again.
I am not so naturally inclined to the bright; the effort is wearying.

My personal calendar has a beautiful page dedicated to the start of each season. If it is to be believed, Fall is coming soon.
The sophisticated celebration on the page uses the term Autumn, as if to fool me, but I am relieved to find the soothing night closer to hand.
Autumn feels safer than summer has been - I can sense a promise of change.

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