Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Long time, etc...

Dear One,

I know what you're thinking; even at this distance I can see
The accusatory, frustrated, angry look in your eyes.
I've been away.
Yes, for all this time, I've been away.
I can't say where; it isn't a secret. Or it is a secret I am keeping from myself.

Yesterday morning I woke to the enthused sound of birds - the spring is here announcement.
Winter passed by. Someone was busy snapping photographs all those dark months;
I am glad.
My memories are clouded by darkness and bitter winds.
I was hiding.
Yes, I know I've left you before like this and
Yes, again it truly was necessary.
But I've come around close enough to feel the aching loneliness.
I am full of sadness and remorse.

Around and around we move, following these steps we know so well;
A dance echoing through the years.
We move because we must: to stop is to die.
Yet, each fluttering carries the tinge of betrayal, the hint of hopelessness.
I make all the same promises I have made before, choosing to ignore the hollow ring in my voice.

Spring is here, the birds sing, and I choose to believe in the hope filled cry.
Hold my hand gently while we learn to live again,
Let us go for walks in the magic twilight hour and forgive.

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