Monday, January 25, 2016

Do, To

This morning I dreamt I lived in a kitchen with laundry machines instead of cabinets, a
Subtle reminder of the piles of clothes waiting for me to tend to them.
I dreamt of neighbors who are leaving dropping in to say goodbye and
Then locking the doors behind them so I have to crawl through the window
To let the dog out.
I dreamt of friends who want to be here but don’t know where to put their dishes,
On top of the washer or dryer?
And unsurprisingly after waking from this dream I was so very angry
By all the nagging worries and
Life/living/loving concerns and
Anger makes me hateful.
I was so overcome that I didn’t know how to walk away or through it all
So the kids watched TV while I muttered into my coffee and around my bagel
Typing an angry email and silently judging the people in the news.
But I still haven’t started the laundry, or bought milk, or balanced the checkbook.

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