Friday, October 25, 2013


I don't try to wash you off my skin anymore, I've shed so many layers since I saw you last I am nearly unrecognizable.
I've replaced your possession with peaceful surrender to one who treasures the gift and gives back a treasure.
You don't know me anymore and you never really did and I've forgotten your name.

It's all become some sort of dream that I wouldn't wish on anyone with all the details mixed up and filled in from fiction.
This disconnect from reality has led me to believe I must be wrong.
Until I reconnect my reality and know that the details don't matter in my reckoning because
You don't know me anymore and you never really did and I've forgotten your name.

The parts of me you stole away have been gone so long I don't even mourn them anymore.
I want to shout into your ears that I've forgiven myself and I've learned how to sleep at night, most of the time, and the wakefulness has nothing to do with you.
I finally spoke the truth and the lie and the meanings are lost; I won't seek it, I won't hate anymore, I won't hold on so tight.
You don't know me anymore and you never really did and I've forgotten your name.

I am so much more than I used to be. I am triumphant and beautiful and kind.
I will love the person I was and the one I became and the one I am becoming and I will learn to live with this as a part of my truth and my experience.
I have replaced you. I have forgotten your name.

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